Our flight was long but didn't have any problems at all, the wonderful folks from the embassy met us at the airport with a van, and we successfully dragged our suitcases up to the third floor. Which is really the fourth floor, as Americans reckon it. The apartment is very large with huge ceilings and doors. We're still figuring out the heating and plumbing and internet, but we're making progress. We did a little grocery shopping trip yesterday and today we'll buy cell phones.
It's nice to be back after two and a half years! I remember where things are, like the grocery store, and it feels familiar, although the weather's a little chillier than June.
I'm looking forward to some exploration this week!
I must say, however, it would be nice if Blogger didn't helpfully translate itself into Croatian.
Have fun exploring! (Sympathies about the stairs. I know it's good exercise, but it must get tedious!)